Astra Communal Solutions

We build paid communities for creators.

Build a community of like-minded individuals and leverage your existing audience, all while getting paid to do so.


The future

In the modern generation, audiences look for more than consumable content. They look for a community, a place where they can belong and connect with other like-minded individuals.

Fuel Your Growth

Monthly Revenue

Get paid every month to be authentically you. There are no limits to the amount you can earn through building a community.

Endless possibilities

Build Anything

From weekly meetings to creating courses and a digital brand, there are endless possibilities to how you can grow your community.


"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future."

John F. Kennedy

The math

1 percent

One percent of an audience generally becomes a buyer. With an audience of 100,000 followers and a recurring community fee of $5, that is $5K in revenue, every month.

Our Mission

To change the world, one community at a time.

Change The world, one community at a time


If you want to build your own paid community and generate recurring revenue while doing so, contact us below and we will be in touch.

©2023 by Astra Communal Solutions. All rights reserved.Website produly created by Kris Astra Patel